A3 “Mobilearn”
My name is Toby Beck and this assignment is meant to demonstrate a mobile optimized learning tool that I envision for the near future. I have incorporated my research and presentation into a mobile “app”. I have also created a prototype called “Mobilearn” that demonstrates some of the qualities I believe will reshape the future […]
A1 – Place Based Mobile Learning
Use your mobile phone to open the link to interact with my A1 analysis of the “Seek” app. https://www.figma.com/proto/j0vegYmPRm2uG61eLygxce/ETEC-523-A1-1.2?node-id=2%3A5&scaling=scale-down You may use a laptop, but it’s meant for your phone! Link to the actual Seek app https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app
Seth Godin’s “Marketing Seminar”
https://akimbo.com/themarketingseminar Last year I took Seth Godin’s Marketing Seminar. For those who don’t know, he is a well known and well regarded expert on marketing and new trends in the new economy. He writes books, appears on YouTube, has a blog and podcast and offers other online courses such as the “Alt MBA”. One of […]
5G and the School of One?
https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/361728 There are three lines in this article that stand out for me and serve as a jumping off point. “how teachers and students try to adapt to a distance education that is here to stay….. However, this is the beginning of a new Era in education, because 5G is going to go even further, […]
Mobile Technology, Frictionless Learning and Global Citizenship
This post is about what could be. Above is a PDF article from the Social Studies Review, published in 2018. I found it during my last class ETEC 500. Yes, it’s a PDF. Yes, it’s from 2018/2019. Yes, I have some reservations about VR. I don’t feel it’s frictionless nor do I think it’s mobile. […]
My name is Toby and this is my second course in MET. I have previously completed SFU’s TLITE graduate diploma. I have also completed the Makerspace teacher certificate program through Sonoma State U. I taught in West Van for 16 years and have recently moved to Vancouver Island and am teaching in the Courtenay’s NIDES […]