History of the Billboard

My topic was the billboard. I used iMovie to put all the components together as that program is the one that I am most familiar with and have used in a previous course. I like how you can have control over the transitions, modify the volume for voice over, and can add music when desired. I did play with a storyboard application online for me to highlight the timeline of the billboard however for me to download and insert it into my video in the form of how I intended I needed to upgrade the version so I abandoned my efforts on that front. My other challenge is that I found it difficult to locate specific images for certain time periods of billboards that also gave permission to use them. I hope to view the other videos from our class to be inspired and encouraged with other applications that would incorporate other aspects for presentation other than images.

Here are my two links:

History of the Billboard

4 thoughts on “History of the Billboard

  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I enjoyed your movie. I also found it quite difficult to find pictures with the right licencing. I think that’s what took the most time in this project. I’ve never really thought about billboards before, other than some I like and some I don’t. It was interesting to connect them to what we have been learning in this course.


  2. Nice video Rebecca! I was immediately drawn to your topic of the evolution/history of the billboard.
    The topic that stands out most to me as I view others projects, is that technology in all of its forms is used and developed to promote, facilitate and create communication. This is evident when you look back at original signage/story telling as used by Egyptians. The use of images with minimal text draws the audience in to have them consume their product (advertisement).
    I like how you bring the idea of advertisement back to education through the lens of multiliteracies and visual literacy. The “add clutter” as you state, is an over saturation of advertisements that we on a daily basis are bombarded with. Students need to develop a keen sense of self-regulation and the ability to filter images and form meaning from what they see. If we raise a generation of individuals who do not question where the images are from, who they are created by and for what purpose, we will not be doing our part as educators.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great work Rebecca!

    I really enjoyed getting the history of ads – and wanted to talk to something Laura mentioned! “If we raise a generation of individuals who do not question where the images are from, who they are created by and for what purpose, we will not be doing our part as educators.” – I couldn’t agree more!

    We were raised at a time when advertisements on television were on the rise and becoming better and better at promoting consumerism. Our students now live in a time when they can fast forward or close browsers, as you mentioned Rebecca. But how can we help them navigate through the world and all the advertisements out there when they are surrounded by them?

    This makes me think of someones Rip-Mix-Feed project where they used Pinterest in the classroom. I usually look at marketing and advertisements right before Christmas, to have my class reflect about the images they are seeing and how they may be manipulated into wanting things because of images. I think you could use Pinterest to ask your class to gather images of the ads they see in a given day/week and add it to the Pinterest wall – and then you can share them in class easily! It would be a great working document!

    • I love your idea of looking at marketing and advertisements right before Christmas. Too often we are manipulated by strategic advertisements around us making us think that we need rather than want an object. I will definitely be looking at creating Pinterest walls as you mention Sarah with my class closer to the holidays. Thanks for the idea!

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