Continuum & Literary Formats

R.I.P. Mr. Book?

Convenient writing & convenient reading

What will become of the written word?

Mechanization: Before and After

Mechanization: Before and After

Manuscripts, Printed Text, and eBooks,

The development of complex cognitive processes through literacy when you don’t see.

A Slow Move to the New Order

A Slow Move to the New Order

“Writing …a consciousness-raising activity.” part two

“Writing …a consciousness-raising activity.” part two

“Writing …a consciousness-raising activity.” part one

“Writing …a consciousness-raising activity.” part one

Changing Literacy…DIY Authors

Gutenberg’s moveable type impacts reading audience

The Technology Question


Orality & Literacy – Post 2

From Inner Space to Textual Space

Remediation Through the Ages

Organizing The Chaos With Hypertext

Organizing The Chaos With Hypertext

On the shoulders of giants

There and Back Again – Progressing for the sake of Progress?

Storing Text O’Donnell and the Author

Storing Text O’Donnell and the Author

Storing Text  O’Donnell and Libraries

Storing Text O’Donnell and Libraries

Storing Text O’Donnell and history

Storing Text O’Donnell and history

Hypertext: Then and Now

Calculator of the Humanist

Aesthetics of Text: Handwritten vs. Print

Aesthetics of Text: Handwritten vs. Print

Watch and get inspired :)

Watch and get inspired :)

Calculating our moves with Text: Writing is like Math

The Printing Press: The beginning the spread of mass literacy

Coding…. the new literacy

Changing Aesthetics of Reading

Print, Readers and Text

Mechanization of Text

Changing Literacy

reading spaces

Putting technological innovation into perspective: expectations, standards & forms, and norms

Writing in Books

Orality to Literacy, Then and Now

Do Audio Recordings Imitate Oral Culture?

All Communication is Virtual: Reflections on “Writing Spaces” and “Orality and Literacy” (Module 3)

Survival of the Fittest Technologies?

Mechanization & Beyond

Continuity Theories & Digital Literacy

Print & transformation to literacy

Print & transformation to literacy

Power of Text

Power of Text

The Future Writing Space


Growing Pains?

Writing Space – Response

The Writing Space Evolution

Module 3

Module 3

The written word: a negative impact on teen development?

A Taste of Oral Culture: My Experience

A Taste of Oral Culture: My Experience

text graphic hello

Hello, my name is Sailing Away

Trust for Digital Reading

Where is the Line?

Where is the Line?

Oral Culture and Social Media

Assignment 1-Technology and its impact on Orality and Literacy

Assignment 1-Technology and its impact on Orality and Literacy

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Wifi is Arriving: A New Dawn

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