Category: FCCS Artwork

MFA thesis Exhibition – Tania Willard

Anthro(a)pologizing Drawing from multiple anthropological sources that framed Secwepemc culture/language and governance my work explores specific sites of rupturing the ethnographic gaze. Citing ideas of refusal and Indigenous futurity to locate agency and land rights struggle within the possible readings of ethnographic subjects this body of work attempts to reassert naming, locating, negotiating and connecting to material culture and ethnographic...

Focal Points an Exhibition of Work by Photography Students from UBCO – At Rotary Arts Centre and Alternator Gallery

From black and white photographs hand printed in the traditional darkroom, to digital images montaged and manipulated in Adobe Photoshop, this exhibition highlights the wide diversity of content and form in the work being done by photography students at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. This collection of photo based artwork has been created by students in second, third and...

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