Category Archives: FCCS Artwork

Scary Instructor & Terrifying Students!

For 14 years the Caravan Farm Theatre, located outside of Armstrong, has created a Halloween-themed production, The Walk of Terror, that engages community in an event that Artistic Director Estelle Shook says “blurs the line between artist and audience”.

This highly interactive production incorporates the artistry of professional and non-professional performers who are part of the Caravan community. This year artists came from across Canada as well as from within the Okanagan region to perform in the show, including UBCO students from the Creative and Critical Studies Department directed by performance instructor Sonia Norris. Norris began performing with the Caravan Farm Theatre twenty years ago and teaching at UBCO this fall provided the opportunity to share this experience with her students.

Norris and seven students, Dora Chen, Sage Cannon, Peter Navratil, Hawk Mendoza, Joel Evans, Avril Wood, and Breanne Ruskowsky, performed in four different vignettes along the Walk of Terror and also spent the day working as part of the production team setting up the farm for the performance.

This “terrifying” experience was an amazing opportunity for the students to perform in a professional production, but also to work collaboratively with a theatre company that is deeply committed to, and supported by, community engagement. Hopefully this experience shall lead to future creative collaborations between the Caravan Farm Theatre and UBCO students!

Photo credit: Zev Tiefenbach


Patricia Leinemann is in her final year of her BFA degree.

Her art installation features drying walnuts, walnut wood bowls, zucchini walnut bread, pickled walnuts and walnut ink.

It all began with tradition… harvesting walnuts for zucchini walnut bread.



Viral Objects – preview!


Viral Objects is an interdisciplinary collaboration between students in Visual Arts, Creative Writing, Performance and Media Studies. Objects are created by Visual Artists (the source of the virus) and are then explored, interpreted, translated and used as inspiration for students in the other classes. The objects “go viral”, propagating performance art, storytelling, poetry, sound art, drawings, installations and video. The work and the process by which it was made will be exhibited at the Kelowna Art Gallery in the new year.

MFA Connect

MFA Connect arises out of the essential prerequisite for us as emerging artists and creative researchers to connect with both international and local art centers, to encounter and share visual methodologies. MFA Connect will not only deeepen and challenge our practices as graduate students, but equip our larger academic communities with new records of interdisciplinary understanding, which will challenge all of us as researchers and individuals. Visual art inspires us to ask questions, – which we may not have thought to ask – formulate ideas, and understand new concepts, through materiality as a form of primary research.

The first in this series of visual art exchanges takes the work of six MFA students from the University of Victoria and five MFA students from the University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, bringing them together in a group show that will travel to both the FINA Gallery and the Audain Gallery on each campus. We hypothesize that this exchange will highlight both shared perceptions and varied studies in material thinking, while inviting our larger academic communities into a more extensive reciprocity of research, place, perceptions, and visual art.