Category Archives: FINA Gallery Exhibitions

The FINA gallery in the foyer of the Creative and Critical Studies Building hosts exhibitions throughout the year.

Ursula Kabis: Prints

IMG_9525The Department of Creative Studies at UBC Okanagan Campus is proud to present this short-run exhibition of Ursula Kabis prints. The artist grew up in the southern part of Germany, and later achieved a Masters degree in Dressmaking, Pattern-making and Design in Baden-Baden, Germany. She worked as a pattern-maker and designer in Zurich, Stuttgart, and in St. Gallen, Switzerland before immigrating to Canada in 1967.
Ursula Kabis and her family moved to Kelowna in 1977, and she took her first Visual Art courses at UBC Okanagan in the academic year 2008-09. Specializing in Printmaking Kabis has continued to distinguish herself for the quality and prodigious volume of print works in her portfolio. She is a consummate drawer and has turned this ability to print productions in Etching, Dry-point, Aquatint, Linoleum & Woodcuts, Mono-prints and Collagraphs. Her primary subject matter includes animals, landscapes, and architecture, with images and compositions sourced in the Okanagan region.










Nina Fazio and Amberley John

Nina Fazio
Artist Statement

I have always been fascinated by people and the different “faces” they wear depending where they are or who they are with. Anonymity, death, and sexuality have always been common themes in my work. Colour and pattern are also very important facets of my work.
There are pieces from two separate series in this show. In the first series I dealt with the topic of death. This series was heavily influenced by the Mexican cultural celebration the Day of the Dead and I quickly became obsessed after experienced great loss and absence in my personal life. I recontextualized these sugar skull ideas into my own interpretation and developed my idea of masks or the ‘faces’ people wear. The death masks became a way for me to express how death can affect individuals and assisted in depicting how people carry so much of themselves and the ones they’ve lost in their bodies and facial expressions. In this body of work I dealt with having the mask present on the face and latter dealing with the mask’s absence completely.

In my newest work I’ve been using kaleidoscopic line work mixed with bands of colour cutting through simple line portraiture to suggest a hidden inner expression beneath. My new research focuses on colour psychology and colours effect on people, whether colour can convey tone or depict feelings, mood and emotion in a piece and its impact on the viewer.

Long Range Exchange Print Exhibition!

This exhibit features more than a dozen student prints from each the University of Regina and University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus. This exchange exhibition provides a unique professional development opportunity for visual arts students working in print media at the two participating institutions.

Landscape and Abstraction

The paintings on exhibition address the subject of natural and constructed landscape sites on the UBC Okanagan campus and grounds.

Students developed the canvasses from location studies and photographic research, and investigations into problems of representation and abstraction in the production of painitngs.

2nd year painting

Advanced Photo – Pinhole Cameras!

Black & White Analogue Negative Digital Prints

All the images in this exhibition were taken with handmade pinhole cameras.

The negative exposures were made on photographic paper and then developed in the darkroom. The resulting negatives were scanned, manipulated in Photoshop and digitally printed.