Category: Seen About

This category features on and off campus works. Student artwork seen in the hallways, foyer, and other spaces of the FCCS building and around campus. Student works that are site-specific or in local galleries.

I Must Be Streaming – Jorden Doody MFA Show

Jorden Doody is an interdisciplinary artist who is examining the transitional spaces between tangible material and digital media within the framework of spatial installations. By utilizing new media technologies in combination with traditional modes of craft, she choreographs sculptural installations that focus on blurring the boundaries between the theatrical stage and the architectural framework of the gallery. Jorden investigates how...

MFA thesis Exhibition – Tania Willard

Anthro(a)pologizing Drawing from multiple anthropological sources that framed Secwepemc culture/language and governance my work explores specific sites of rupturing the ethnographic gaze. Citing ideas of refusal and Indigenous futurity to locate agency and land rights struggle within the possible readings of ethnographic subjects this body of work attempts to reassert naming, locating, negotiating and connecting to material culture and ethnographic...

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