The Heart Attack Grill

The fast food industries have been struggling with consumers’ eating behavior for a long time. Decays ago, no one really understood the threat behind constantly eating fast food, however in recent years, the eat habit for most of the consumers had changed dramatically. People understand fast food cause various kinds of problems such as heart attack, obesity, and diabetes. As result many fast food restaurants began to bring in healthier food into their menus, and try to persuade customers that their foods aren’t so bad. However, the Heart Attack Grill had chosen a completely different approach when it comes to healthy eating. First the store offers fast foods at an extremely low price, and the French fries are completely free.

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Second any customer who is over 350 pounds can eat their entire meal for free. The store also offers a great selection of burgers: cheese burger, double cheese burger, triple cheese burger, and quadruple cheese burger. The atmosphere in the restaurant is also appealing. All the waitresses dress like nurses and they all have perfect body shape. They are constantly walking around the restaurant with smile and talking to the customers. And all the customers are provided with free costumes so they can dress up like patients with heart diseases. Finally the owner of the restaurant dressed like a doctor, and he tells all the “patients” they should eat more junk food.

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The Heart Attack Grill is also using overweight people usually around 400-500 pounds to be their representative. In the TV commercial, viewers will see the super fat guy with a sexy “nurse” hugging and kissing each other while the representative is eating a quadruple cheese burger. People might think no one will go to this kind of restaurant for foods; however, the exact opposite is happening. The restaurants’ business is booming, and the owner had just opened a new chain in another state!

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