What did I learn from COMM 299

Commerce 299 is one of the most important courses in Sauder School of business. It provides students with essential information and skills to prepare them for future job interview. In this competitive market, finding a job is never easy, and after learning commerce 299, I believe I had obtained many necessary knowledge and skills to overcome future job searching and job interview challenges.

One of the most important knowledge I learned from commerce 299 is to be the real me. When people try to find a job, they always try to act like others, try to be like others. Especially when people see someone who gets a job, they try to act like that person thinking they will also get the job acting this way. However it is not true, trying to learn from other people doesn’t have negative impact on a person, but try to be another person has huge negative impact. Trying to be others make a person lose his or her own identity, a person’s identity is how others differentiate one human being from another. If we try to be another person, we will lose our own identity and as a result we will have nothing special to offer to our employers.

Another important lesson I learned from this course is to find my own interests. The time for choosing an option is almost here, and knowing what we really want to do is critical. Nobody wants to get stuck in an option he or she hates for another two or three years. So choosing one’s favorite option is much more important choosing the most popular major. The most popular major might not be what we thought it would be, and it could have negative impact on a person’s life and self-esteem if the person doesn’t like the program from the beginning. Our professor wasted a lot of time studying the major he didn’t like and doing the job he didn’t like. It cost him a lot! So be yourself and choose what you like is extremely important.

In the end, commerce 299 is a very useful course, and I am glad that Sauder School of business offers this course to its students. It is in the student’s best interest to start to prepare for their future now instead of letting their future slip through their hands.

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