Felicia Chong's Blog

Can Alibaba’s kung fu culture floor its global rivals?

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Sources: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-29011649 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/digital-media/11107575/Alibabas-IPO-is-testing-American-appetite-for-China.html Having raised $25bn in its share, Alibaba, plans to use these funds to further expand the business on an international scale. However, despite being China’s largest e-commerce company, other foreign investors and even CEO Jack Ma himself have predicted that immediate international expansion, specifically in the U.S would be challenging.   Through the Ishikawa diagram, one can deduce that a major cause to this problem is the environment in which Alibaba is placed. One would be the fact that Alibaba originates from China. It is not uncommon…read more


O2 urges rivals to stop providing chargers with new phones

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Source: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jan/17/o2-rivals-chargers-new-phones Friedman’s theory states that a corporation’s social responsibility lies within making as much money as possible while conforming to society’s ethical standards. However, is it ideal for a firm to go beyond regulations and taking voluntary measures to positively impact society? In 2013, O2 took the initiative to reduce electronic waste by selling their HTC One X+ without a charger. According to Friedman’s theory, such acts of social responsibility would incur a cost to the corporation’s stakeholders. In this case, the corporation would be spending its customers’ money; customers who…read more


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