Call for papers


FHIS Graduate Student Symposium

April 30, 2021


We invite proposals for papers to be given at the FHIS Graduate Student Symposium. We encourage current graduate students at the FHIS to present/share unpublished research and current research (MA thesis or PhD dissertation chapter[s]) and work in progress for further conferences.

Deadline for Proposals: March 26th, 2021

Proposals and enquiries should be sent to José Ricardo García Martínez or Johann Pitter in Word or .pdf format. They should include a title and an abstract of 200-350 words. Final conference papers should be 15 minutes long, and they will be commented by discussants.

Please consider this opportunity to share what you do with your peers at FHIS. We look forward to welcoming you at the Symposium. We hope that this opportunity will gather different and interesting perspectives to be shared in a diverse, dynamic, friendly and challenging cohort.

For more information about the symposium, please see:—February-2021


*** Please note that we are also welcoming alternatives, such as videos, posters, participation in a roundtable discussion, and papers on the process of academic research.

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