470: a summer delve into Canadian literature

2.3 authenticity?

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When Carlson states: “To raise the question of ‘authenticity’ is to challenge not only the narrative but also the ‘truth’ behind Salish ways of knowing” (59), there is a question that begs to be asked: How do the Salish define authenticity? Before I (inexpertly) try to explain this idea, for many non-Natives, their idea of authenticity incorporates elements of historical legitimacy and genuinity; authenticity stems from a tradition, or history of ‘truth’. It is at this point where ideas of authenticity overlap: for both Natives and non-Natives, authenticity stems from history and…read more


2.2 rationalization and travel.

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Before I begin to answer question 5, sometimes I feel as though I take the “easy way” by answering the open-ended questions that are based on my thoughts more than the readings. But for me, I feel as though I have so many things to say, and these questions draw me in a way that the others don’t. Maybe eventually I’ll feel the same pull from those questions, or maybe I’ll try to challenge myself a bit more. That being said, when I read the story, I had many thoughts…read more


2.1.2 bridging the gap.

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Home is something that’s been written about in music, books, and is arguably a quintessential part of life. But what is it exactly? To take a page from Jenny’s blog, I’ll try to illustrate some similar concepts in our blogs through the magic of song lyrics (being a music major and all. just kidding, I barely listen to music. ironic, right?) 1. “There is a place built out of stone…This is a place where I don’t feel alone/ This is a place where I feel at home” x For almost everybody,…read more


2.1 home.

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“Maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you when you’re at your worst.” –Yara Bashraheel A dark hallway. A giggle here, a soft snore there. Then from the end of the hall, a soft sob. Room 317. This night was not so different from the last few. Unlike many others, I did not cry because I was homesick. I cried because I was not–because there was no sense of home for me. I felt no feeling for the home where my parents were, but no inclination for where I…read more


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