
My name is Fidelia Lam and I’m a fourth year at the University of British Columbia completing a double major in Music (before you ask–I play piano) and English Literature, as well as a Minor in Applied Music Technology. In my spare time, I enjoy indulging my love of reading, playing video games, binge watching movies and TV and hanging out with friends!

This summer, I’m enrolled in ENGL470A, which addresses Canadian literature, particularly in regards to the intersection of European literary culture, the First Nations oratory tradition and how we today tell our stories. The most interesting aspect about this course is that it is purely online; we will engage in discussion and discourse through various methods of social media, including this blog! I’m very much looking forward to this new form of learning and discussion, as I find that it allows me to articulate and expand my thoughts better than in a traditional classroom setting. I’ve always enjoyed political and social discussion on blogs and forums, so I’m happily anticipating being able to apply this new discussion form to my schoolwork. Lastly, the course will cumulate in an online research project and discussion that will address and anticipate the state of literature in Canada and how we can share Canada’s stories moving forward.

On a more personal note, I’m taking one other English course this semester (ENGL364: Victorian Literature) and am working part time on campus. I also work as a Residence Advisor and am currently living in Marine Drive. Here’s the view from my room: 

I’m also hoping to work on a number of personal recording projects, as well as interactive gesture research, learning a concerto (among other things) and figuring out which schools I want to apply to for grad school!