TOPIC: in-person attendance policy waived + course moving online
Dear students,
As of right now :
1. We’re going to waive the attendance policy and the requirement to declare absences (academic concession form) for this course. Attendance in person WILL NOT be required. (Yes, you can leave now! Health organisations all recommend social distancing to slow the curve of transmission. Some of you may also have people to look after.)
2. We will be moving online next week. The course coordinator is working on the FREN 101 and 102 Canvas sites and she (or your instructor) will be in contact with you on Monday/Tuesday about this.
3. The test next week will be an open-book online take-home. More information coming later today (coordinator estimates early evening). (For practice, see the DELF page at the end of the textbook dossiers 2-3 (101) / 6-7 (102 and BILAN at the end of the workbook dossiers 2-3 (101) / 6-7 (102).)
Dr Juliet O’Brien