An Introduction…

Hi, my name’s Terence, and I’m from Taiwan. I was born here in Vancouver and lived in the Greater Vancouver region for 7 years, after which I moved to Hong Kong for 3 years and then to Taipei, Taiwan, where I lived for another 7 years and graduated from high school. And now I’m back in Vancouver, finding a vastly different world than the one I left 10 years ago.

I participated in Jumpstart, so I’ve settled down for quite a while, but the sheer size of the campus has made it that I’m still not quite familiar with everything around here. I’m also an I.B. student/survivor, so I’m no stranger to small group discussions, and I’m also quite interested in seeing how different university writing will be to high school writing.

I was thinking of possibly majoring in English, so hopefully Arts One will help me see if it is the right choice for me, and also improve my writing and analytical skills as well. Overall, I’m looking forward to this class (not really the workload though…).

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