Welome to my homepage! This Web Folio was created in the context of the English 301 course at the University of British Columbia. I created this site to provide a clear guide to the skills that make me a marketable hire.
The header menu lays out the different pages for you to visit. To find out more about me, you can visit my bio. There you will find out that I’m a big software engineering nerd and that I love it! After that, you can navigate to my blog to see my reflections over the past few months. Want to see my application package? In this page, I created a sample application for a prospective job that piqued my professional interest. It includes a job posting, a cover letter, a resume and several reference requests. The online version of my resume can also be found here.
Finally, care to connect with me? My LinkedIn info can be found here. I hope you have an enjoyable journey getting to know me through this website.