

Azeez, L. “More Information”. Connected Waters (2018). Available at:

“Fraser River (Pacific and Western Mountains)”. The Canadian Atlas Online (n.d.). Available at:

“The Fraser River Basin”. Rivershed Society of BC, (n.d.). Available at:


Seifert, R., and Moore, J. “Floodgate Operations and Fish Communities in Tidal Creeks of the Lower Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada).” Estuaries and Coasts (2018): 1-16. Available at:

Partridge, M., and Curran, D., “Legal Review of Flood Management and Fish Habitat in British Columbia” Watershed Watch Salmon Society (2017). Available at:

Data Sources

Watershed Watch Salmon Society. “Data for Disconnected Waters.” 2018.

Government of British Columbia. “Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC Boundary Locations”. 2018.