The Denouement- Web Folio Reflection

Creating the web folio was the last step in English 301. All of the action was over and now I was just wrapping up loose ends (or reorganizing)…so I thought.

The web folio is a compilation of the work we have completed in English 301. It is a chance for us to showcase our skills and display our learning.

The first step I took when creating my web folio was deciding what platform I wanted to use to display my work. As we had learned to use WordPress earlier I the course, I decided this was the best platform to use for this final project. Through this platform I could maintain a format I had developed through the course with attaching documents, hyperlinks, and uploading images. Learning WordPress was not entirely intuitive, but was not a complicated process. My main wish is that WordPress would let you do more with formatting.

As this Blog is about me, my professional writing and presenting myself, I added a section to the assignment summarizing the requirements to become a Certified Professional Accountant. This is my long term goal and it seems natural to include it in a digital presentation of professional technical writing, my resume and job application package.

Creating the web folio was a long process. I had edited my work as the course progressed. Every time I received peer feedback I immediately went back and edited my assignments so that at least saved me some time in the end. When I discovered that we needed to write introductions to every page, link, and post I was a little defeated. But I rallied and completed this tedious process. Now that I have completed it, I can understand why this would be helpful for someone unfamiliar with the work and who was seeing the web folio for the first time. These introductions help the reader understand what they are looking at and why it was included.



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