because you never know when you’ll need them…
- When you encounter a lightening storm, throw your pack on the ground and sit on it.
- When you are confronted by a boa constrictor (or other large snake), stand with legs wide apart so it can not wrap around both legs and knock you over. When it wraps itself around your one leg (because it will), stab it with something sharp. Snakes fear pain.
- When you are chased by a hippopotamus, run in a zig-zagged fashion. Hippos run in straight lines and you will outsmart it.
- In the event of an earthquake, duck and cover. Or, if you are in an unstable building, move quickly to an open area. Do not stop to grab computers.
- In the aftermath of an earthquake, be prepared! Have your bag packed with important supplies (eg. shoes, food, phone) and be ready to leave the building in under 30s.
- The most important survival equipment is… water drops. Never, ever forget to bring your water drops.
(And the second most important item? – A fully charged phone!)
Goodness I love you guys! Have a wonderful last week and I can’t wait to see you when you come home! Thank you so much for sharing your abundant adventures. I can see the stories play out so clearly in my mind. Amazing work!!! Lots of love for your last week and safe travels home!