Global Queer Research Group: Sexual Politics in the Era of Transnationalism, Diasporas and Postcoloniality

May 2nd, 2012 · No Comments

“The Right to Seek Refuge in Canada” 

The Implications of Bill C-31

A public education session on the provisions of Bill C-31, Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 – 7:00-9:00pm

World Art Centre, Woodward’s Building, 149 W. Hastings St.

Lesley Stalker, senior solicitor/barrister and Former Associate Legal Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, will provide an overview of the obligations Canada has regarding refugees under domestic and international law, with respect to the proposed amendments of Bill C-31. This will be followed by a panel of people who work with the communities who are, and will continue to be, affected by the proposed changes  especially: LGBTQ asylum seekers, torture survivors, Romani refugees, and the Latino (particularly Mexican) community.   

–  Harsha Walia, co-founder of No One is Illegal, will discuss the impact on refugee communities in Vancouver, specifically the South Asian and Latino/a community
Lobat Sadrehashemi, refugee and immigration lawyer, Elgin Cannon and Associates, will discuss gender based claims·       

–  Elizabeth Csanyi, Legal Assistant, UBC First Nations Law Clinic, will discuss the impact on the Roma community·        

Sharalyn Jordan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, SFU, Rainbow Refugee, will discuss LGBTQ claims

Followed by questions and discussion from the audience.
Co-hosted by the SFU Woodwards Cultural Unit/Vancity Office of Community Engagement, the Liu Institute for Global Issues and the Tyee.


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