New ideas to share!

New ideas


  1. I tried blending Blooms (mostly online with flex site) with Kolbs (mostly in class activity) into a 35 minute theme session for day 3.
    Overall I think it went really well. Having it on day 3, especially with a week to let things settle in, really helped for the activity. Students were really engaged, and did a great job with the components of Kolb. I stole this idea from Artem: to have students come up with their own cycle, not knowing its called Kolb, and everytime its worked great – I think moreso on day 3 after some priming on flex. Having them critique each others models worked surprisingly well, and since they were more familiar with each other, they felt more comfortable challenging one another.
    I think it’s still a bit rough around the edges, and could use some polishing – especially to tie Blooms from the online learning in with Kolbs, and a better closing. We hadn’t touched on Blooms in the ISW yet, so I wanted a way to bring that in. Also, our participants were not doing so well with learning objectives, or participatory learning in their mini lessons, so I really wanted to emphasize this.
    Flex site wiki:

    1. Rhy and I did the exact same thing in having the participants make up their own cycle. We did it on Day 2 but we did not include Blooms as it was covered in Day 1(part of Learning Objectives). I want to work on this next time and not have an online component until after the face-to-face/peer learning session. I like your idea of using Kolb’s to reinforce Blooms.

      I rather like having Kolb’s on Day 2 instead of Day 3 though. Some of the participants attempt to use Kolb’s in their mini-lesson (super inspiring to see) and would even discuss this with me in their 1-1 reflection time in Day 2(something they want to work at on Day 3) and Day 3(how they implemented Kolb’s).

      Thanks for sharing!

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