Reilly, Linda, and Cole created a new Day 2 mini-group feedback form. The feedback form targets participatory learning and highlights the importance of alignment. Please feel free to email me for the document and I have printed some and left them in the feedback form area at the printer room.
Tag Archives: Linda
Connecting Day 1 Sessions
In the April (8,15, 16) ISW, we introduced the day 1 theme sessions as a single theme session on Lesson Design (Theory). We created a worksheet that the participants used during the 4 parts of the lesson (LO; Motivation; PL; Assessment). During each part, they were asked a couple of questions on the worksheet that got them to apply the lesson to the design of their first mini-lesson. At the end of all 4 parts they had 10-15 minutes to look at their mini-lesson and make changes to it based on their worksheet.
This worked well on a couple of levels:
- It connected the 4 theme sessions we do on day 1 without the facilitators having to design them together.
- And it helped our participants solidify what they were learning by providing them with an opportunity for an immediate application of their learning (on which they also received feedback in the afternoon).
If you are interested to know more, send myself, Mabel or Linda an e-mail or stop by the office:-)