Second year was hard for me.
I will recap in an acrostic poem.
Someone should have told me the MICB 202 multiple choice was evil
Everyone chose their major confidently, while I spent a solid few months not okay
CHEM 233 was not as terrible as everyone before me made it out to be
Of course, I had to walk from BUCH to CIRS. Of course.
Nursing application was rejected, not as disappointed as I should’ve been which shed light on what I really wanted.
Driving needs to be a thing I should learn.
You can still make new friends, I definitely did!
Every science student needs to take BIOL 204 with Angie. Best course ever.
Arts Advising, for me, was a lot nicer, welcoming and way more helpful than Science Advising. (Sorry not sorry.)
Reach for the stars, I applied to Science Psych, while preparing to transfer faculties because I thought I was absolutely not going to get in. Guess what? I got in.
I told myself I’d keep updating this blog so I could look back and be able to relive good memories and to help other students about to experience what I have and instead I took a hiatus.
But here I am… and I am STOKED for third year
this was a perfect post and your blog theme looks awesome. No pressure or anything, but can’t wait to see more for third year!