Chem Lab Reports

What?! Two posts in one day? Within the same hour?! KIM, I’M IMPRESSED. Thank you, thank you, you’re all wonderful.

Buuut… I just wanted to say a quick thing.

Lab reports. 

TAs say “Oh do them within two days after the lab”. Not because that’s when they’re due, but because that makes it 52455461151212 times easier to finish. (I calculated that number myself.)

I thought I’d put off my chem lab report until today because of midterms but I realized I just about forgot everything that happened in the lab AND in the lab prep that I did. And therefore writing the lab report is significantly more effort than it was before.

Chem 121 lab reports are relatively easy, considering it’s just the pink sheets. Filling them out usually takes no time at all. That’s why I’m kinda mad I didn’t fill it out right after the lab.

Advice: Do the lab report as soon as you can. You’ll tell yourself it’s easy (because it usually is) and you’ll tell yourself that’s why you can do it later. But the reason it’s easy is because everything you did in prep and in the lab is still fresh and when you wait, all that information gets fuzzy and forgotten and you have to look it up all over again and second guess yourself and it ends up way more work than it should be.

Ergo, do the lab report as soon as you can.


I just used the word ergo.

And I’m almost positive I used it properly.

Check that one off my bucket list.

First Chem Lab: SUCCESS

I didn’t spill anything, break anything or hurt anything! …And when I asked if my percentage result was correct he didn’t say “It was too high/low” like he did to the other people who asked.

Long story short : SUCCESS!

However, the lab did take almost the entire class. It’s important to use your time wisely. Try to do something productive while waiting for water to boil or while heating something in a oven.

Chem labs are kinda like baking.

In a more dangerous, life-threatening way that results in things one can’t eat… BUT STILL!

Tips and Tricks!

  • Make sure you know your material inside and out for the lab.  If you’re not going to know the stuff for your safety… Know it to get a good mark on the quiz! (Just kidding, safety first always)
  • Be ready to go when your lab starts. Sure you might look a little nerdy wearing your lab coat and goggles outside the lab room holding your pencil case, but it really pays off when all you have to do when you get inside is dump your bag in the storage area and write the quiz.
  • Ask the TAs questions! They are there to help! Mine was really friendly, answered my questions clearly and even checked up often to see if we were alright. Don’t worry if TAs scare you, they scare me too. But in a Chem Lab it’s really important to clarify things if you’re confused.
  • Don’t rush! The labs aren’t going to be designed so you can’t finish them. Make sure to think through your steps and do think carefully. Think about both what you’re currently doing and what you will be doing. Sure, it sounds a little scary and overwhelming but you wrote those steps out! You got this!

This is a victory in my books!

One day at a time, guys! Or for me right now, one lab at a time! …One step in a lab at a time? …One victory at a time?



One friend is telling me, “Don’t worry you’ll be totally okay!” while also saying “Oh my gosh one girl totally messed up halfway through the lab.”

This is probably the scariest first experience ever. …And it hasn’t even happened yet!!

There’s like that giant air-bubble of anxiety in my tummy area right now. It’s making want to run around. Actually… run anywhere but the direction of my lab.

I have to remember so many things. Tie hair back. Close-toe shoes. Long pants. Goggles. Lab coat. Lab Manual. Design form. Calculator.

I got this.





Well. I will definitely blog about it when it’s over.

If your friends are all chill about the lab while you’re spazzing out, don’t even worry. …Because I’m spazzing out too.