
So at the beginning of term 2 I started volunteering at Sprouts, and if you don’t know what Sprouts is you are missing OUT.

Sprouts is a student run cafe/store in the SUB and it sells a lot 0f yummy organic and vegan stuff. They’re also super big on sustainability (don’t ask us for napkins, ’cause we got none)

It’s très cool.

I volunteer on the Friday 3-5 shift, and it’s mostly cleaning but sometimes I get to do the till. (And I really like doing the till. Pressing buttons and mental math, woo! … Okay I just realized how sarcastic that sounded but I really do like doing the till!)

I may or may not like cleaning the dishes too… But just because it’s that giant pressure washer thing, those things are SO fun. And MAYBE I borrow the earphones in the kitchen and jam out/dance party to One Direction while I clean…

…Make the most out of it ?

And every Friday at Sprouts is something called Community Eats. That’s where Sprouts makes dishes out of locally grown food. If you bring your own container, the food is by donation! … I know everyone thinks that means free but every donation counts no matter how small 🙂 !

Usually by 3 the food’s mostly gone, but there’s always loads of bread, so I usually snack on that. It’s some damn good bread.

The people in Sprouts are super friendly too!

Come check it out if you’ve got the time. And volunteer if you have that time too, I mean it’s a fun way to get to know each other plus you get a discount on all the yummy and healthy things they sell!

…I’m a big fan of Sprouts 😀

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