The Oath of Time Management

I am beginning to think that time management is a myth and we’re all just destined to run around, rushing everything and stressing out.

Let me give you a break down of what the next two weeks entail for me:
– Bio midterm
-2nd Chem wet lab
-Math midterm
-Chem midterm
-Physics midterm
-English paper
-Physics lab


But in all seriousness I may be completely spazzing out but here’s where priorities come in.


  • Wake up at 7am on a Saturday to study/do homework (Or blog…)
  • Figure out a schedule to tackle my day (Which subject goes first and for how long should I study)
  • EAT (You can’t think with an empty stomach. Fact.)
  • Take breaks… WHEN I NEED TO
  • Colour-coordinate my notes (I might be a nerd.)
  • Set up a to-do list


  • Go on facebook and end up distracted for at least half an hour (DO NOT.)
  • Go out today (Unless it’s something like a birthday party, or other special occasion exception)
  • Take long breaks that mean wasting hours upon hours of time (They creep up on you…)
  • Convince myself that I know enough when I really don’t
  • Say “I definitely have enough time to watch another episode of Major Crimes and maybe White Collar after that and maybe Warehouse 13 too” (THIS IS GOING TO BE SO HARD.)

Set goals for your day, one or two major ones and then a bunch of little ones that you can say are “maybe-can-be-finished” goals. Don’t tell yourself “I can do this tomorrow” for one of your day goals. Otherwise a horrible cycle will develop and you will be in need of sleep. And lots of it.

Don’t forget to take it easy, one day at a time. 



First Chem Lab: SUCCESS

I didn’t spill anything, break anything or hurt anything! …And when I asked if my percentage result was correct he didn’t say “It was too high/low” like he did to the other people who asked.

Long story short : SUCCESS!

However, the lab did take almost the entire class. It’s important to use your time wisely. Try to do something productive while waiting for water to boil or while heating something in a oven.

Chem labs are kinda like baking.

In a more dangerous, life-threatening way that results in things one can’t eat… BUT STILL!

Tips and Tricks!

  • Make sure you know your material inside and out for the lab.  If you’re not going to know the stuff for your safety… Know it to get a good mark on the quiz! (Just kidding, safety first always)
  • Be ready to go when your lab starts. Sure you might look a little nerdy wearing your lab coat and goggles outside the lab room holding your pencil case, but it really pays off when all you have to do when you get inside is dump your bag in the storage area and write the quiz.
  • Ask the TAs questions! They are there to help! Mine was really friendly, answered my questions clearly and even checked up often to see if we were alright. Don’t worry if TAs scare you, they scare me too. But in a Chem Lab it’s really important to clarify things if you’re confused.
  • Don’t rush! The labs aren’t going to be designed so you can’t finish them. Make sure to think through your steps and do think carefully. Think about both what you’re currently doing and what you will be doing. Sure, it sounds a little scary and overwhelming but you wrote those steps out! You got this!

This is a victory in my books!

One day at a time, guys! Or for me right now, one lab at a time! …One step in a lab at a time? …One victory at a time?