Juice, vitamin C, titrations, and CHEM123 labs.

If Chem 121 was baking from a recipe…

Chem 123 is like Iron Chef: where, you have to decide what you have to do for your experiment, follow your own steps and then… race against time!

Chem 123 is certainly a change.

But for the Vitamin C lab (Experiment 9) I have a few tips and tricks:

  • If you heat juice (like I did) use a clear juice. I recommend white cranberry. Or white grape. This makes the endpoint in the titration 502749238423x easier to see.
  • Some people did do actual fruit but in reality it will take time to heat your fruit then strain the juice out of it. It’ll be better if you just handle a liquid.
  • Work in a group. It’s always nice to have support and help with the lab report outside of the lab. No joke! The lab report is super complicated at this point. 
  • Plan your experiment well. Think about what takes time and what doesn’t. Think about what you can do while you’re waiting for something to heat up. 
  • Ask your TA for help! (True story, my TA is kinda … well let’s just say I don’t really enjoy asking ANY TA for help in my lab… if you have a situation like this, it’d be a good idea to turn to people who know what they’re doing.)

It’s certainly a different experience from Chem 121. In fact I find it’s a really big jump and that there
should have been an intermediate step at least. 

Keep in mind that in Chem 121 they practically gave you all the steps for your Experimental Design Form. In Chem 123, they don’t. Remember the small things like rinsing your pipets and burets, because those make the difference!

Hope everyone is having a lovely week!

(Anyone else noticing it’s getting brighter earlier and staying that way longer? Because it’s making me happy!)


Moment #3

Moment #3 would have to be hearing Matthew and Stephanie Corker share their stories. They were just plain inspiring. Stephanie, being told that she wouldn’t be able to do the Ironman triathlon, worked hard at her goal, waking up at 5 am everyday to complete it.

Lululemon made a video about her amazing success and her complete dedication to her goal:

So amazing, crazy amazing. TOO AMAZING FOR WORDS? Yes. Absolutely yes. I can’t portray how awestruck and inspired I was. She’s a wonderful role model!

Her brother, Matthew Corker, talked about full self-expression. Something I think is important in anyone’s life, aspiring leader or not. Being able to be comfortable about who you are and fully express yourself, it’s something everyone has to learn. The way he carries himself and the way he wouldn’t stop smiling, showed that he wasn’t just talking a talk. He was walking it… hell, Matt Corker, was rocking it.

AHHH, so many squeals. So many feels. So much everything! Those two almost made me cry. They fill me with all this positive energy. Energy to go out and DO something.

It’s a good energy!!

I also think it’s super cute that the two of them have such a good relationship.

Again, I’m going to cut myself short here, the last moment will come up in my next post.

UBC SLC = the cause of many awe-inspiring moments.

(If you’re wondering, Moments #1 and 2 can be found here)

stop-and-take-a-look-at-life-and-it’s-awesomeness-and-wonderfulness type of moments. (Part 1?)


Saturday, January 12, 2013 was a REALLY good day. I

And these moments (as described in the title of this post…) happened a lot!

Like how, for example, before the conference even STARTED, I had one of those moments (Moment #1). Because when I came into the CSI&C to volunteer  check in, it was dark, but as I headed to the Chan Centre, it was bright out, at 8:30ish and it was beautifulThe sky was an AMAZING blue, the air was so clean and fresh, the mountains were in perfect view.

I have some serious advice for everyone at UBC. Take advantage of this sun. And appreciate the view, stop and smell the roses. Nature never fails to amaze me. Natural, raw, REAL beauty and it’s just there, waiting to be stared at.

It was CRAZY gorgeous! (And true story: I saw two coyotes. … Yeah I’m from Vancouver and I haven’t seen any before, don’t judge. THEY WERE SO CUTE.)

Moment #2: Hearing Luca Patuelli speak. I just – There was just – I couldn’t even -. Okay, I’m going to take a deep breath and you can’t see me and even if I’m typing up this blog post and not ACTUALLY talking and- It’s just really hard to explain being able to hear someone so inspirational tell us personally what he went through. Because he WENT for what he wanted, no questions. And I guess that’s what I took out of it you know? That’s the awesomeness part, knowing that people like Luca exist. That talent can sometimes be learned.

For me, I always feel like talent is something you’re born with (usually it is) I mean, I can’t say I’m a great artist because even my stick people look deformed. …So it always stops me from trying when I find that I suck. But Luca worked HARD for his passion and it paid off. Sometimes hard work turns INTO talent and sometimes we gotta be brave enough to work for it.


I feel like I could do anything because of him. He’s freaking BEATING his condition for God’s sake. The doctors said he can’t walk, his LEGS say he can’t walk and he’s just all: “Nah, bro. I got this!”

…I have a big feeling that posting ALL my moments might make this post endless, so I’m going to leave it with these two, and put up the rest later!

I hope everyone’s first bit of Term 2 is going lovely.

I’ll be back!

Ill-Abilities Crew: No Excuses No Limits

For anyone wondering, Luca Patuelli is the 2nd from the left, the one with the crutches. He’s also amazing. And lovely and talented and insanely inspiring.