I just had the worst (THE WORST) organic chemistry exam of my life.
Well it was last night but I was too busy having a pity party to blog about it.
I’m currently taking PSYC 101 and we have 3 midterms in that class and before every midterm, my professor likes to remind everyone to try to do their best and that exam results do not reflect you or your own self-worth. Bless her soul, she always tells us to believe in ourselves and to not stress out too much because exams DO NOT DEFINE US.
But let me tell you something.
Despite what people say, you will feel like that.
And no matter how much you know exams don’t define you, in those moments, you’ll feel like they are your entire life.
You’re going to just sit there and you’re going to think over and over and over:
I’m a failure, I suck
I’m a failure, why am I even in school?
I’m a failure, everything is awful.
And your mind is going to imagine so many different scenarios about how you’re going no where in life and you are going to question every single thing you do.
Those moments will pass. Better exam grades will happen. Maybe worse ones. More important things will push to the front of your mind. Things like that party your friend invited you on Friday night. Things like your plans for thrift shopping. Even the smallest things like how awful the long line for the 99 has been recently. Those things will be the forefront of your attention.
So no, exam results don’t define you.
But yeah, for those moments it’ll feel like it.
I say embrace it. I say accept it. I say let it happen.
Don’t start berating yourself for caring about your grades and don’t let others do it either. If you wanna say you think you failed, SAY IT. If you want to complain about how the professor totally and completely screwed you over by making every single question a trick question because he hates you then COMPLAIN.
These things show that you are a student who cares. And that moment is probably an integral part of being a post secondary student. Because exams happen all the time. Good ones, bad ones, easy ones, horrible-life-force-sucking ones.
But it’ll pass.
Live in the moment!
Even if it’s a bad one, because we are humans and this is life. It would not be interesting without the bad moments and we wouldn’t learn much either. Don’t ever beat yourself up for being human and worrying about a grade. Just remember that it’ll pass.
… Okay that’s enough from me.
I’m still sad about my o-chem midterm, but hey, on the upside it’s a long weekend this weekend?