Hi all
History 305 assignment: they need to use the BC Newspaper Index (the microfilm version) and print off a page from the microfilm on a topic of interest. Can be any topic of their choice. Students I helped today found it useful to browse the BC Provincial Library Newspaper Index Subjects to find a topic. Located in microform reference, 2 volumes, call number Z695 B696 1969.

New to GovInfo? Loads of great resources for Latin American Studies, Historical Gov Docs online and legal/international policing sites. More details? Click here: GovInfo November 2008

Hi all,
I vaguely remember some mention of this in training, but the details are fuzzy- does the library keep any copies of old exams? (Specifically, the student was looking for econ exams) I’m assuming no, but I wanted the definitive answer.
Could someone send the student in question a quick reply? I won’t be in again until Wednesday, otherwise I’d be happy to do it. There is a sent email to him in the sent items folder of the hssd email. The email subject line is “Library information.”
Christina H

There’s a fourth year Asian Studies class looking for information on a novel The Dream of the Red Chamber or The Story of the Stone.
There is an article in Tamkang review. v.36 2005
The catalogue lists this as missing, but it is in fact in the back files, and we have asked that it not be sent for binding until the end of term.

I have had several people in who were having trouble accessing MyiLibrary books from their laptops – it kept taking them to an authorization page. Tech Services have said they are working to resolve the problem (something to do with the IP address), but for now there are two options.
1) MyiLibrary is still working from desktop library or UBC computers.
2) If using a wireless connection the best thing to do is:
a) make sure the student has set up VPN on their computer and go through that before trying
to connect to MyiLibrary or
b) use the RSVPN *but* you will then have to go through the UBC Library’s information page [
http://toby.library.ubc.ca/resources/infopage.cfm?id=1399 ] and search for the title in
MyiLibrary as RSVPN is not connecting through the catalogue right now.
Hope that helps – Me-Linh

It’s been a month already ;-). Here’s what we added this time around: GovInfoNewsletter-Oct

Everyone’s lives may have just gotten significantly better since Google settled its Google Books lawsuit Good news for researchers, but it has sent a potentially harmful precedent vis a vis copyright for digitized materials.

Just a heads-up, I’ve just had two (now THREE) students in looking for
Benokraitis, N. Feuds about Families; Conservative, Centrist, Liberal and Feminist Perspectives (2000) which should be in Reserves. The whole class has to read chapters from this book and write a reaction paper due next week. Someone appears to have swiped/hidden the reserve copy, and the only other copies in BC are on Vancouver Island or Langley (Kwantlen). I told them all to email their instructor. Good luck placating the masses!

Hi all,
Some of you may have tried the call transfer procedures provided in the Phone Voice Mail Procedure handout. It seems that this procedure (which I inherited from my GAA days) does not seem to work on the current phones at the Reference Desk. Thus, the new procedure for transferring live calls and voice mail messages: Give the patron the appropriate number to call.
Thank you and apologies for any confusion.

Like a right foot in a sneaker, this Geography assignment surfaces from time to time. The assignment, entitled Urban Streams: History, Ecology and Memory, requires students to examine a number of maps and atlases and then prepare team reports with maps. The instructor has provided a detailed suggested methodology.
The key cartographic resources required for the assignment are displayed in the map cabinets area under signage. Students may photocopy the materials, but not check them out. Last year we experienced “hiding” of resources, which I hope will not be repeated.
As not all required materials are located in the HSS Map & Atlas area, you may get “known item location” questions at the Desk. Please feel free to suggest additional resources if you wish.
– Tim

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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