From now until Nov. 1, students in Geography 210 may ask at the ref. desk for materials concerning the ecology and history of Vancouver’s old streams. I’ve placed all relevant HSS map and atlas materials on top of the map cabinets for them under signage. Please don’t authorize short term loans for these materials (photocopying is OK).
Note that what we have here is only a portion of everything their prof. has directed them to. They will have to visit other UBC Library branches as well.
I’ve placed a copy of the explanatory assignment sheet in the Class Assignments binder under the ref. desk.

Joe Tennis’s LIBR 502 class will be using the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (2002-2005), Women’s Thesaurus, ERIC Thesaurus, and LCSH big red books for an assignment due later in October. Because there are 40+ students in the class, it seemed easier to have all copies in one place; these items are temporarily shelved at the rear counter of the Koerner Reference Desk. The catalogue record also reflects this temporary location. The students should reshelve the books in this location.

Several students have come to me asking for help with an assignment for Steven Heine’s course, Psyc 407 Cultural Psychology. They believe that they are to do a literature review of experiments performed on members of 2 or more cultural groups, where there is an analysis of cultural differences in responses. Administration of questionnaires does not count as” an experiment”.
According to Dr. Heine, the assignment asks them to design their own experiment to be performed on members of 2 or more cultural groups, etc., and there is no requirement for a comprehensive literature review.
If a student does feel compelled to do a review, send them along to me and I’ll show them the workaround. (PsycINFO doesn’t have a limit for this, darn.)

For the 503 class, remind students that their textbook Reference and Information Services has a bibliography at the end of each chapter with the resources that will answer the questions they have. I have a copy in my office on the first shelf as you enter on the second or third shelf down; if they don’t have their textbook with them (and they don’t…), you are welcome to borrow it. The World of Learning is mentioned in the chapter on directories, and is current to 2006 for the Malawi question.

This week SLAIS students need to know how many agricultural research stations there are in Malawi. (It’s one of the questions on the latest Reference sources assignment.) Patrick found the answer in the International Research Centers Directory. Thanks Patrick!

The annual 4th year English class assignment that requires the students to look at a title in the ESTC has started. The assignment requires them to look at the microfilm version (and notes that the librarians will try to direct them to EEBO!). 1641-1700 is call number AW1 .R-972 and 1475-1640 is AW1 .R475 in storage in the back of 219. Most seem to have the reel number and document number as they have searched in the ESTC.

There is a history class (3rd year) that needs to read one month’s worth of a newspaper (from the first half of 20th century). The newspaper choices are Globe and Mail; Times of London; New York Times; and two others (I forget which.) Just a reminder that these newspapers are available online or in microform. The online version can be browsed by date and page for the three sources above, but microfilm might be easier for them to use, and the prof has suggested microform. But for those that want to try online, it is available, either from Times Digital Archive, Globe and Mail Canada’s Heritage, or ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

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