For all you aspiring authors, the CanLit Tool Kit.
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During my reference shift today I referred 3 students to VPL. This seemed like a good time for a reminder that students who live on campus are not eligible for a free card from VPL unless they have a community services card. They will still need to show the usual ID and proof of current address (lower mainland area) in addition to the CS card.
“How to get a Card” on the VPL website (with additions)

Cards for UBC residents who have Community Service Cards
Persons living on the University Endowment Lands (UEL) and at UBC must pay a non-resident fee to obtain a Subscription card as these regions are not incorporated into any municipality.
However, through agreements with VPL, some UEL and UBC residents are eligible for free cards upon presentation of an appropriate community services card.
An agreement between VPL and the University Neighbourhoods Association allows people living at Hampton Place, Hawthorn Place, Chancellor Place, East Campus and Westbrook Place to have a free library card on presentation of a valid community services card from that association. UNA application form
An agreement between VPL and UBC allows people living in Acadia Park to have a free library card upon presentation of a valid community services card issued by Campus and Community Planning. Campus and Community Planning Application form
This card lasts for 365 days. No fee is charged. Cards may subsequently be renewed on presentation of a valid Community Services card. Each family member (except those under 14) must present their own signed card in order to obtain a VPL card.

For students who don’t know where VPL branches are, there are green maps with branches and hours listed at the reference desk. Extras are kept with the other handouts by the door to Koe217.

Our new Xerox oversized photocopier, located against the rounded wall in the Map & Atlas area, is still waiting for an adapted card reader, so is not yet available for public use.
The older oversized copier has been moved into Rm. 217 because it was in the way of the construction project. It is working satisfactorily, as always. Please direct patrons requiring oversized photocopying to Rm. 217, which is accessible only via its rear (south) door. In the event of difficulties Aprille or I will assist. Patrons should be made aware, however, that it is nominally a self service copier, so they should at least read the posted instructions before demanding staff assistance! – Tim

Here’s the latest list: April/May09

Confronted with another sad, desperate face, I called CopyRight in the SUB to see if they have scanners. It’s not listed on their website, but they do!

Here’s the latest roundup of websites in GovInfo.

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve set up a wiki to store gov pubs ref questions, with resources found/required to answer the question….or at least begin to answer the question ;-).
It’s publicly viewable at It’s a work in progress and doesn’t have a lot in it yet. If you want to collaborate in the question bank please let me know and I’ll add your email address to the account.

The copy card machine is out of order. There is a problem with the power supply so it will be out of commission for a few days. Please direct patrons to the card machine on floor 3 (beside the south elevator).

A student tried to print a job from K217 this afternoon but it wouldn’t show up on the print queue. Systems help desk suggested typing in the whole id for the computer, KOELAB-121, but it still didn’t show up. They are looking into the problem now and will get back to us.
UPDATE: the next student did key in the entire station ID and number and the print job worked fine, so it looks like you can’t just put in the number, but need KOELAB – at least for 217. Haven’t had comments from people working on computers labelled HUMANITIES so maybe they can just put in the number?

The students from this class have a long list of ref. section dictionaries which they must consult for their project due on February 24th. I’ve already had three questions about this. As you can imagine, these dictionaries are not on the shelves! At present they have congregated on the book truck by the copy room.

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