Carex obnupta
Common Name —— slough sedge
Family —————— Cyperaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 6
Height/Spread ——– 0.5 – 1.5 m / 0.3 – 0.6 m
Water ——————– wet
Soil ———————– moist
Sunlight —————- part sun
Leaves —————— everygreen; long; narrow; green
Flower —————— yellow/brown
Blooming Time ——- April to September
Propagation ———– from seed; spread by rhizome
Limitation ————- need moisture
Strength —————- salt tolerant; capable of growing in “blackish” water
Use ———————– as screen; in water feature; for native plant gardens
ID ———————— typical sedge form with showy male and female flower on plant