The Lacandon Maya

Artifact and Artifice podcast by Lilly Callender and Ellysa Smith. (20-minute episode)

Join Lilly and Ellysa as they travel to the south of Mexico to learn more about the Lacandon Mayan people. Listen closely to find out more about three theoretical terms that we learned throughout the semester: strategic essentialism, folklorization, and co-constitutive relationships.


Works cited:

Cheng, Kaity, Stewart A. W. Diemont, and Allan P. Drew. “Role of Tao (Belotia Mexicana) in the Traditional Lacandon Maya Shifting Cultivation Ecosystem.” ​Agroforestry Systems​ 82, no. 3 (2011): 331-336.

Escobar, A (2007) Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise: The Latin American Modernity/Coloniality Research Program. Cultural Studies 21(2): 179–212.

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