The Rarámuri

Material Legacy: Discovering Latin American Indigenous People by Ronnie Daney, Daniela Díaz, Stephanie Kletas, and Daniela Yanez. (17-minute episode)


Learn about the Rarámuri people of the Sierra Madre Occidental through a series of traditional objects. Listen closely to find out more about “hybridization,” a theoretical term coined by Néstor García Canclini that students discussed during the semester.


Works Cited

Arrieta, Olivia. “Religion and Ritual among the Tarahumara Indians of Northern Mexico: Maintenance of Cultural Autonomy Through Resistance and Transformation of Colonizing Symbols.” ​Wicazo Sa Review​, vol. 8, no. 2, 1992, p. 11.

Barrett, J.P. ​Tarahumara Transcripts Face to Face with Modernity: An Intertextual Approach. 2017. Texas A&M University, PhD dissertation. Pg. 107

Danver, Steven L. ​Native Peoples of the World: An Encylopedia of Groups, Cultures and Contemporary Issues: An Encylopedia of Groups, Cultures and Contemporary Issues. Routledge, 2015. Pgs. 159-161

Delgado, Ángel Acuña. “Danzar Para Que El Mundo No Se Acabe. Estudio Sistemático De La Danza Rarámuri.” ​Latin American Music Review,​ vol. 33, no. 1, 2012, pp. 27-64..

Fein, Andy, and Ivana Truong. “The Oldest Line of Violin Makers in America.” ​The Oldest Line of Violin Makers in America​, 13 Jan. 2019,

García Canclini Néstor. ‘Introduction: Hybrid Cultures in Globalized Times’ in Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity.​ Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2008. p.xxiii-xliv

López, Raúl A. “Tarahumara Ritual Aesthetic Manifestations.” ​Kiva,​ vol. 37, no. 4, 1972, pp.207–223.

“Raberi (Folk Violin) Late 19th Century.” ​​,​.

“The Tarahumaras”

“Tarahumara Culture and History.”​ Milwaukee Public Museum​. -and-history

“The Tarahumara Collection.” ​Milwaukee Public Museum.

Un. “Protecting the Sierra Tarahumara, a Biodiversity HotSpot.” ​UN Environment​, 28 June 2019, pot​.