
Open Access Podcasting Pedagogy Materials

LAST303 students learned how to podcast through five podcast tutorials (PDF available here: PodcastTutorials+Rubrics):

  • Podcast Tutorial 1. Narrative, Audience & Sound
  • Podcast Tutorial 2. Audacity & Your Sound
  • Podcast Tutorial 3. Outline & Script
  • Podcast Tutorial 4. Ethics and Respect: Conducting Research on Indigenous Groups
  • Podcast Tutorial 5. Music, Fair Dealing, and Segmenting your Podcast

Following each podcast tutorial, students created a brief segment to showcase what they had learned. These individual assignments incorporated the course content, so students were combining what we were learning about Latin American Indigenous communities in readings and class discussions with their podcasting skills.

As noted on the final project page, students worked in groups to create a 20-minute capstone podcast episode on the labour practices of one Indigenous community (PDF of instructions and rubric: FinalProject_LAST303). These group projects incorporated the skills that students had acquired throughout the semester.

If you are interested in designing your own podcasting course, feel free to use these materials as a starting point. If you do so or have questions along the way, please drop me an email to let me know–I would love to know if other educators are benefitting from these LAST materials!

As I designed my course, I benefitted from open access educational materials from various websites. In particular, Derek Katzer’s “POST 120: Audio for Podcasts and Other Media” course materials helped me to think through the structure of podcast tutorials. I also provided my students with resources and how-to guides from a variety of sources, including my university’s DIY Podcasting guide, the instructional videos in Google’s “Podcasting Basics” series, and this amazing Wiki by my UBC colleague in Land and Food Systems, Duncan McHugh, who also generously led the Audacity tutorial for my students.