Stress is related to 99% of all Illness

You have probably heard the phrase, “stress is related to 99% of all disease,” countless times. Do you remember where you heard this phrase? Guys will probably say, “I don’t know. Everywhere?” Girls will probably yell out, “Lululemon!”

Lululemon is yoga-inspired athletic apparel company, which produces a clothing line and runs international clothing stores from its company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Lululemon started as a small store in Vancouver, but now it is now seen all around in Canada, and has opened stores in other countries such as United States, China and Mexico.

So, how has Lululemon got so successful? 

Well, first of all, Lululemon fits well with North American culture. Even though Lululemon is yoga-inspired clothing line, many people wear Lululemon clothing for other athletic activities or for everyday activities. Lululemon fits well with North American culture since our way of living is often informal, except on special occasions. We often dress casually, sometimes even to workplace. North American culture also values individuality and individual expression; people don’t feel insecure about wearing tight Lululemon pants in public, or jogging around in Lululemon bras during summer. People wear Lululemon clothing when they go to school, gym, mall, or when they travel.

Second, Lululemon addresses the rising social issues in North America: obesity and unhealthy life styles. More people are caring about maintaining healthy life styles, and the participation rate in outdoor activities is increasing. Lululemon’s manifesto, “stress is related to 99% of illness,” grabs attention of people who want to live healthy. Also, Lululemon’s manifesto, “Dance, sing, floss, travel,” target those customers who want to engage in outdoor activities and balance between work and life.

Lululemon grabbed hearts of yoga lovers and many more.

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