Video authoring can suck the time right out of your hands. Hours can be spent shooting, editing, finding the perfect transition and music.
Movie Maker I have used numerous times, however since the switch to Windows Live Movie Maker I had been avoiding it because it looked different. However after HAVING to sit down and play it is basically the same. One issue I am having is that Live Movie Maker is not allowing imports from network drives. I am trying to isolate this to a network problem or a new feature in Movie Maker. It is not a bad idea, Movies tend to have large amounts of data stored and this is better done locally. Problem is that it goes against everything we have every taught our students.
My short example, we are still doing post production on this, so I would call this my first edit. I have figured out transitions, music, fading all over again.
On my hit list for months has been Camtasia. Teachers have been asking for some Moodle how-tos, so I thought I would kill two birds. I downloaded the 30 day trial and I think I am hooked. The interface will take a little getting used to and I need some practice selecting clips to apply zooming to. So here is my first attempt, another work in progress.
Nice work! How’ve you found rendering the videos by Youtube? I find sometimes the audio or video quality isn’t acceptable and I have to try a different codec.