Coal Cars

Do you know what a “Coal Car” is? Well if your unsure, a coal car is an electric car. It appears lately that the electric car is booming in business and lots of car companies are going eco-friendly. When most people hear of the term electric car, they immediately think electricity. But where does that electricity come from? It doesn’t just come out of thin air.

Electricity is produced from fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, where 67% of the world’s electricity comes from. A good example of a car that runs on fossil fuel is the Tesla model S. This car can run on electricity but is actually designed to run on solar and wind. In the article the narrator says,”he is repeating the gospel of Tesla founder Elon Musk, a vocal supporter of fossil fuels restrictions who says the Tesla will ”help expedite the move from a mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy towards a solar electric economy.””

This seems to be an unlikely thing to happen, where car companies head in the direction on solar and wind powered vehicles because of how hard it is to capture that kind of engergy.

It seems in the future that electric and gas powered cars will continue to rule because of the easy access we have to these products. Wind and solar powered cars seems like a good idea but is not very realistic at the moment.

Have body modifications become a necessity ?

It seems like more and more people these days are expressing their artistic sides by getting tattoos and body piercings. These kinds of things, especially tattoos, are quite expensive and usually require people to dip into their savings.

I personally have a small tattoo on my ribs, which I really enjoy and it means a lot to me. So I can understand why people like to express themselves in the form of a permanent piece of art on their body.

In the state of economy these days it seems like people are struggling for money. There are layoffs, pay cuts, bankruptcies and foreclosures lately in the business world. But as far as being low on income, it seems people still round up enough money to go out and get expensive tattoos. In the article I have attached, it explains the reason why people continue to get tattoos even when they are in a financial crunch. The narrator says, “But the very thing that draws us to tattoos in the first place – their permanence – is sometimes what draws us even more when the world around us seems to be spiralling out of control.”

Appears that luxury items these days are slowly becoming necessities for some. I believe whatever income we make we have the choice on what to spend it on and sometimes that means being left with not much in your savings.