Snooping Around – Netflix

Recently Netflix shared with the public how it knows what people want to watch. They revealed that Netflix snoops around on the internet to find out what movies and shows are the most downloaded, so they can update and improve their own site to become more popular. This is a very sneaky method but works well in their favour.

In my opinion, what Netflix is doing is interesting and actually quite smart. Digging in deeper to see what consumers want to watch shows that Netflix has a real commitment to pleasing their consumers and always become more profit maximizing. Lucky for Netflix, searching popular pirated or downloaded shows isn’t illegal. Some may think this is a form of cheating but in all honesty anybody could sear
Netflix is using their skills to acquire the knowledge of the most popular shows and movies to please the consumers. In my opinion I think this is a very creative way of retrieving information and become more popular. ch that information up.

If you have tried to watch free episodes of your favourite TV show, you must know the struggle people go through just to watch their favourite show. Netflix is providing a safe and very affordable place where you can watch all your favourite shows at ease.


Blackberry is falling behind – Comment

WIth recent new smartphones being put on the market by Android and Apple, seems like Blackberry has been lingering in the shadows. The past years Blackberry’s sales have dropped by 74%.

In regards to Andrea Ho‘s blog, seeing what has happened to Blackberry over the past few years sparked my attention. I agree with Andrea that the smartphone market is continuously increasing and becoming more competitive. At the moment the main companies that are very successful are Apple and Android. These two companies seem to keep wowing the public and are always trying to keep the consumers interested.

My concern is on how Blackberry will recover from their losses in sales and demand for their product. With such high competition, how will Blackberry get itself back in gear? Even with Blackberry’s release of the new Z30, it barely made an impact in the market. Speaking of barely making an impact, I myself didn’t know that Blackberry had just released the new Z30 until i came across this blog post.

Where is Blackberry going to be in a few years? Will they still be focusing on smartphones, or switch to another niche?

Promoting Healthy Living

Recently in the news there was a story about a subway station in Moscow that installed a ticket machine that instead of accepting money, it accepted exercise. With the increasing obesity rates around the world, it seems like more and more businesses seem to go through promoting a healthy life style while advertising for their business.

In the subway station, this special machine was installed next to the normal machines that only accept money. While attracting a crowd by its uniqueness and advertising, it gives people who are taking the subway the option of paying for their ticket or doing squats. The machine instructs the person to stand in a certain area in front of the machine and do 30 squats in 2 minutes and then they acquire their transit ticket.

The machine is a part of a campaign run by the Russian Olympic Committee to promote next year’s winter games and also to promote the importance of daily exercise.“We wanted to show that the Olympic Games is not just an international competition that people watch on TV, but that it is also about getting everyone involved in a sporting lifestyle,” Alexander Zhukov, president of the Russian Olympic Committee, told Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

I believe strongly in promoting healthy living and business should advertise their products through healthy living and exercise.


IT is taking over the business world

In this day and age information technology has become a major part in the business world. It seems as technology evolves and becomes more useful in the office, some businesses are making it a necessity for employees to use these new devices. This implementation develops the need for extra time and money for employees to learn how to use these new technologies and its is costly, depending on what brand of technology the company buys.

Technology is becoming more and more apart of people’s life. Not only in businesses are technologies taking over but also in people’s personal lives.“In future, a digital understanding of what you can do with technology to drive revenue will be a fundamental part of what every business leader needs to know.”

In commenting on Farhaanah Mahomed‘s and Chris Nerney‘s blogs remarking information technology in this day and age, I strongly believe with both that technology is taking over the corporate market. I also believe that IT will increase revenue growth like Farhaanah Mahomed says in his article. The IT department, as technology evolves, will be able to capture new markets, increase revenue, minimize risk and optimize cost bases. I believe that IT will grow to become a necessity in businesses, at any level of management or operation.

A Look Inside Google culture

Organizational Culture is the sum of individual’s beliefs, values and assumptions in a business, where they are represented as one. Most businesses try and create a welcoming and unique culture within the company. Google seems to take pride in they’re culture and show how with a good culture, employees and customers are more happy.

When hiring, Google favours ability over experience and hires smart and determined people who are looking to work hard and make a difference in the company. Google offers its employees 25 free restaurants, free cars, wired workstations, laundry services and on-site gyms.

Google strongly believes that the most valuable principle in creating a great corporate culture is trust. Google strives to create trust based relationships with all employees and give them choices while in the workplace. Google is building up the trust factor with implementing “culture of choice“.

I believe creating a welcoming and comfortable place for employees is where companies gain the most key factors of having a good business. Employees that love their job will come into work happy and work even harder because they enjoy what they do. The first step in any business should be creating a good organizational culture.


Funny Ads Make Brands Stronger – Comment

“Some form of humour is used in almost half of all TV advertising, where it often contributes to very effective ads. Humour can make ads more enjoyable, involving, and memorable. However, if the humour distracts from branding and communication, it can impede the ad’s effectiveness. In addition, perceptions of humour are different around the world and across different audiences; this may limit the ability of a funny ad to be used across markets.”, says Millward Brown.

I believe humour in advertising can contribute strongly to a brand. Relating to Apaydin Berfu‘s blog on how humorous ads make brands stronger. People enjoy seeing ads that make them laugh or smile. A key goal of any brand is to make their ads stand out in the mass market of advertising. I believe that a strong and memorable ad is what gets attracts consumers to a product.

An example of a funny and memorable ad is Old Spice. Their ads seem to make you chuckle and believe that they have a good product. Since they have the reputation of having humorous advertising, when people hear the name they think of the funny commercials.

Here is an example of an Old Spice commercial:

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like