What is Social Enterprise?

If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc and Social Enterprise?

To answer the question above I would first like to introduce the term Social Enterprise. This term refers to projects initiated by entrepreneurs for the the greater good. They help the weak and poor by providing them with the means by which they can further provide themselves. it is similar the the fishing idea where one can be taught to fish to feed themselves multiple times. Social Entrepreneurs are futuristic and strategic, they see opportunity where other see ruble.

Answering the question, there is still a need for organizations such as the Arc and this is because the United Nations is not a Social Entrepreneur. They may be able to fund projects but unlike the Arc, they see the end result of their efforts after they’ve begun the project. This does not mean that the United Nations is incapable of doing the same, but rather their funding is more crucial to the need for organizations such as the Arc as Social Entrepreneurs need financial help in order to achieve success. The United Nations should fund projects initiated by such ambitious individuals who excel in positive directions.

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