Online Resume

Jojo Xiaojing Huang

4th year Student in Computer Science, expected graduation date: Dec 2019

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, JQuery, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, SQL, C++, Node.js, x86 Assembly, Python, Golang
  • Statistics & Maths Software: R, Matlab, Julia
  • Tools/Frameworks: Git, GitHub, JUnit, UML, IntelliJ, WebStorm, Sublime Text, Stata, Tableau

Work Experience

Arista Network, Vancouver, Canada. Jan 2019 – Apr 2019

Cloud Software Engineer, Golang, Python

  • Built network analysis models in Golang independently using the internal data stream processing framework
  • Optimized internal data stream processing framework by introducing an extra layer of local data flow, which significantly reduced the unnecessary network traffic to the internal data warehouse.
  • Collected large volume of real network data with Python script for integration tests

SAP Canada, Vancouver, Canada. May 2018 – Dec 2018

SAP EPM Support Engineer, React, HANA Database

  • Investigated customers incidents by debugging the E2E workflow in customers’ system remotely
  • Provided customers with solutions for the configuration issues
  • Communicate with engineers from different teams about the investigation results of customers incidents
  • Created and updated internal knowledge basement articles for future reference

Reiscontrol Management Consulting CO, LTD, Shanghai, China. May 2015 – Jun 2016

Management Consulting Assistant

  • Interviewed staff in client companies, explored their business flow and information systems to identify problems and provide solutions
  • Established risk database, and built specific business models to warn customers with internal control risks

BDO China CPAS LLP, Fuzhou, China. Nov 2014 – May 2015

Financial Audit Assistant – Intern

  • Audited the financial statements; finished audit working paper in auditing required procedures

Personal Projects

SAP EPM-team Incident Management ToolReact, CSS, HTML, HANA. May 2018 – Dec 2018

  • Built web-based UI based on SAP HANA API to manage the internal incident dispatching
  • Designed incident dispatching algorithm based on team policies and engineers’ expert level
  • Designed and implemented the network layer that interacts with SAP HANA APIs

DFans App, JavaScript, CSS, HTML. May 2017 – July 2017

  • Used Charles and Wireshark to monitor and analyze the network communication of
  • Help users handle everyday Weibo interaction (including voting, repost, etc…) automatically by mocking network request
  • Designed and Implemented UI with Sketch and frontend web technique

Academic Projects

FTP Client and ServerJava, C++. Jan 2018 – May 2018

  • Implemented FTP Client protocol with Java Socket API, which can connect to most public FTP servers stably and support major FTP commands
  • Implemented FTP server protocol in C++ with Unix Network API, which supports major FTP commands and allows FTP connections from multiple clients

Hospital Patient Management System, SQL, JavaScript. Jan 2018 – May 2018

  • Designed ER diagram for patient management system according to the workflow in hospitals
  • Setup and maintained PostgreSQL database and implement database connection
  • Designed and implemented UI for different end users, including patients and hospital staffs with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS 

InsightUBC Web App, Node.js, TypeScript. Sep 2017 – Dec 2017

  • Crawled data from UBC website with Request and Parse5 libraries
  • Implemented a simple data storage and information retrieval system
  • Implemented simple data query language which supports most commonly used SQL clauses such as WHERE, ORDER
  • Created REST APIs for data query using Restify and Node.js


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Sep 2016 – Dec 2019

Bachelor of Computer Science

  • GPA:3.7/4.33

Minjiang University, Fujian, China. Sep 2011 – Jun 2015

Bachelor of Management: Accounting

  • GPA: 3.95/4.33
  • Won the Scholarship of New Huadu Elite Freshman Scholarship 2011
  • Won the Scholarship of New Huadu Elite Graduate Student Scholarship 2015

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