Tag Archives: SUS

First Week Adventures 4 – Friday and SUS Carnival

Well this was stuff from 7 days ago.  I’m so good with time management…

Oh well~

One Friday ago! Last day of my first week of uni!

September 9, 2016 (Friday and SUS Carnival)

On the third day of classes, I felt like I was starting to get the hang of things- emphasis on starting. I already knew what madness I would be facing as I went on with my day, all from my experience from the first 2 days:

  • Show up early to lectures unless I want to end up at the back of the class with the seat with the broken table
  • Finding a good spot to eat lunch and locating friends at the Nest is absolute hell
  • Try to ignore the paranoia I get from not being sure I clicked in with my iClicker despite seeing the green light (every time)
  • Wake up early becuase I think my contact lenses hate me and it can take from 20 seconds to 10 minutes for me to get them in for some reason (I’m new to this I’m trying)
  • I need afternoon snacks
  • Sometimes I can barely understand what my notes are saying an hour after I write them
  • Expect the Connect site to be as annoying and confusing as possible
  • Piazza is trying to drown my Gmail account
  • Pre-Reading quizzes are not to be taken lightly (or done only hours before it’s due)
  • Ew Pre-Readings
  • The day hasn’t even started and I’m already tired…

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First Week Adventures 3 – Second Day and SUS Tea Party

September 8, 2016 (Day 2+SUS Tea Party)

Second day of school!! Here we goooo~

That morning I was still winded and tired from going through Wednesday (see First Week Adventures 2), but then again I didn’t even do that much, I just don’t bode as well in new environments as I want to, and I’ve accepted it at this point.

So off to class I went!!

The girl on the left in the featured photo (they only show up in my actual blog for some reason, not the UBC Blog Squad feed) is my biology lecture buddy for the term. She might not know it, but I am ever so grateful that she’s in the same class as me. It’s comforting to know that there are one or two people I know that can keep me company amongst the 200+ strangers I share lecture halls with. I’ll try with my mediocre socialising skills to get to know more people(hopefully, probably) soon, but for the first day, having a familiar face next to you is always appreciated.

We met up with another friend, (high school friends I love you) and off we trekked to the West Mall Swing Space, which is where my farthest lecture hall is. I learn later that I have made a mistake thinking that Swing isn’t THAT far away from the rest of my lecture halls (haaaaaaaa). As we get to the hallway outside our lecture hall 20 minutes early, once again, (see First Week Adventures 2), the hallways was already packed with students ready to fight the mob for good seats. I have seen students have to stand at the back and write with the wall as their table or sit on the walkways, so I guess showing up to lectures super early is pretty sensible. Continue reading

First Week Adventures 1- Imagine Day

So the first week of my university adventure has officially ended.

I survived, I enjoyed it immensely, but I also think I definitely lost some part of my sanity along the way (who needs that anyways). After experiencing the wild ride that is September 6, 2016 to September 9, 2016, I decided it’s time to reflect on the happenings of my first week as an UBC student!

I may or may not also be writing this blog post because I want to ignore all the pre-readings I have to do by Monday. I’m off to a great start aren’t I 😀

Day 1: (September 6th, Imagine Day)

For Imagine Day, I was assigned to Squad 74, to a group called Schrodinger. After I finally located my group, I was mildly disappointed that there wasn’t a cat drawn on it. Our group leader said that no one would get it if we drew a cat next to the word Schrodinger. (seriously? you get it, right? CAT, SCHRODINGER, COME ON) After I got over my initial disappointment of over the sign, I found that all my group members were very friendly and nice and easy to talk to. (Shout out to Schrodinger, thank you for being awesome)

After we met up and assembled our Imagine groups, we were herded towards the Doug Mitchell Arena to meet our dean and our SUS (Science Undergrad Society) Team.


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