Rotating Gaussian distribution
time averaged
See code in
it’s a copy from internet:
When using gcc fortran 4.6 to compile a fortran code with sequential reading, the following error occurs: Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF marker, possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE
Use fort77 command to compile it, error will disappear.
The default version of jabref of Linux Mint and Ubuntu now is 2.7, which can be easily installed from software manager.
If want to update to 2.9, a bad method is to download the jabref-2.9.jar and replace the *.jar in /usr/share/jabref/.
Type C thermocouple is “weird”! Not many people use it and most emf2T converters available online do not include it. Moreover, I cannot find a standard polynomial expression to translate emf to T or vice verse.
The following python subroutine is able to make it. It is originally a copy from internet (Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 University of Toronto). I compensate type J, type T and type C into it. Input could be either a value or a list (array), which is useful for batch processing.
As I didn’t find standard coefficients for type C online, a 10 degree polynomial is used to fit the type C’s reference table, from which the parameters for type C in this subroutine are gotten.
See code at:
If matlab module is loaded, the cfx subroutine can not be included with an error : segment violation.
Error detected by routine MAKDAT
| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created. |
End of solution stage.
Usually this means something has been left out of the setup, for instance a material property. If you cannot work out what generated the error I would remove the physics one bit at a time and see when the error disappears to identify where the problem comes from.
This post describes how to fix the following error messages when using Windows 8 Pro:
The steps to fix this problem are as follows:
1. Edit a registry entry by running a program called regedit. Right-click on it and Run as administrator. Note that I use Start8, by Stardock, to have a Start button and menu. After you left-click on Run as administrator, your computer might ask you to enter the admin password.
2. Go to the appropriate VPN registry directory called Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vpnva
3. Double left-click the DisplayName key.
An Edit String pop-up window will appear.
The text under the Value data: field on my computer looked like this.
@oem20.inf,%vpnva_Desc%;Cisco AnyConnect VPN Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64
4. Change the field to
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64
by removing all the text and characters that are on the left of the word Cisco.
The end result should look like this:
5. Left-click the ‘OK’ button.
6. Exit the Registry Editor
7. Run Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client and reconnect.
That’s all there is to it. Good luck!
1. Choose tab blocking > button pre-mesh params > edge params to set up mesh parameters as shown in the figure below.
2. Adjust nodes number to change mesh size and choose Mesh law to change meshing behavior. Use exponential 1 or 2 to produce mesh with gradual increasing/reducing size. Result is presented below.