Super Bowl not for football! A showcase of Ads!

I am no football fan but the ads always amuse me. The Super Bowl is all about football but a huge part of the event is the advertisements. It seems like companies are going to great lengths to have ‘that’ commercial that everyone is going to be talking about for the weeks following the Super Bowl.

This year Pepsi did something interesting. Instead of focusing on the lasting impact (though I’m sure it still had an impact) they focused on engaging viewers in the week following the Super Bowl. They started off with an initial Advertisement that shows to friends getting an outrageous amount of supplies for a party that they are hosting, enough for you to wonder, ‘what is going down tonight?’ And that is exactly what they wanted viewers to think.

They end the commercial with a cliffhanger as the friends leave the store. They then go on to prompt people to watch the Second Ad during the Super Bowl.

Pepsi found a way to engage its customers by keeping their eyes out for the continuation of the commercial. They added a cinematic feel to the ad removing the feeling that a consumer gets when they know a company is just luring them in. This also will ensure the consumers upmost attention to the ad that aired on the Super Bowl making sure that no one ignores their message or misses it to go get another beer.

A unique and fun approach by Pepsi Cola advertising their new ‘Pepsi NEXT’!

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