Recent Accomplishments from GEOB 270

Lab 1: Familiarized myself with the operation and general layout of ArcMaps by completing an online tutorial as well as discussed ethical implications and geographic analysis for a GIS map.

Lab 2: Learned how to manage and preview data in ArcCatalog and the importance of doing so for geographical analysis, worked with satellite data to create a composite image in order to compare Mt. St. Helen’s before and after the 1980 eruption.

Lab 3: Gained practical experience in performing geographical analysis to identify potential tsunami danger zones in Vancouver and overlay them with roads and institutions that would be at risk and produced a map depicting the above as well as recommended areas for warning signage.

Lab 4: Developed an understanding of Canadian Census data by examining the terms of data collection, downloading spatial and tabular data, joining the tabular data to the spatial layer, normalizing housing cost by income and produced a map comparing housing affordability in Vancouver and Montreal.

Lab 5: Advanced spatial dataset acquisition, parsing and filtering skills by independently searching for and downloading datasets then using them to conduct the environmental assessment of the Garibaldi at Squamish project and presenting the findings in the form of a map and a short memo.

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