Tag Archives: spectral response curves

Supervised Image Classification

training-sites sig-sand

  1. The band values of urban and sand are very similar, however those of sand are consistently slightly higher than the respective band values of urban in all but one band. In the Thermal IR band, the value for urban is slightly greater than that of sand. As the error bars overlap for all the bands, these distinctions are not of significant enough value.
  2. The sand reflectance curve has slightly less overall variability between the bands than urban. Both reflectance curves have high value variability between Mid IR and Thermal IR.


  1. The band values of grass are higher than those of water in every band. There is also very high uncertainty for the band values of grass in the Near Red and Mid IR bands. And there is overall very low uncertainty for the band values of water.
  2. The variability between bands in the reflectance curve of water is relatively smooth with the exception of the very high value in the Thermal IR band. There is greater variability in the grass reflectance values with a peak in Thermal IR.

When looking at the grass signature there is a detectable “red edge” as the values in the IR spectrum increase rapidly.
The values in the Thermal IR band are very high and relatively the same for all four reflectance curves.


      Total number of pixels: 262,144 = 100%
      Not classified: 9,332 = 3.56%
      Water: 45,476 = 17.35%
      Urban: 31,907 = 12.17%
      Grass: 47,367 = 18.07%
      Forest: 50,487 = 19.26%
      Soil: 70,663 = 26.96%
      Surf: 3,232 = 1.23%
      Sand: 3,670 = 1.40%

The minimum distance classification output image is similar to the original Morr345 image in that in both images the water surface is distinguishable from the land mass and the general outline of the shore is recognizable. From the classified image we can also see the location of major urban developments and see that most of the land cover is bare soil.

The classification appears to have failed in the bay and ocean areas because a lot of the pixels were classified as forest, where it is obviously water. It is very hard to find what the shape of the bay looks like from this classified image and there are pixels classified as urban land cover in the mountainous areas where it is most likely supposed to be either sand or soil.

The maximum likelihood classification method does a better job of successfully classifying pixels into land categories in this case. This is a “fair” comparison of the two methods as they are both compared to the same original image from which we can deduce how accurate each classification is. The urban, part of the surf areas and the coastal areas adjacent to the urban ones are consistently misclassified.

Urban is most commonly misclassified as the sand land cover and sometimes also as the soil. Urban is so poorly classified because it is very non-uniform and pixels within that class have very different spectral response patterns, making them difficult to classify.

To improve the classification accuracy, a higher quantity of more precise training sites can be selected.


Image Enhancement


The values in TM4SAT5 should not be used when creating spectral response curves, because it is a composite image of HOW87TM1, HOW87TM2, HOW87TM3 and HOW87TM4. This composite image has been created to increase the contrast of the display image, the values have been stretched and no longer represent the true reflectance values of the pixels, therefore only the original images should be used in creating a spectral reflectance curve.forest urban water

Image enhancement tools can be very useful in redisplaying an image so that it provides more visual information. However, when an image is altered in such a way, the true data is altered and is no longer accurate, so it cannot provide much quantitative meaning. For example, when constructing spectral reflectance curves like in the exercise above, you would need to determine and differentiate between the different area types like water and urban. In the original image it is very hard to do so because of the low contrast of the displayed image. The enhanced image can provide you with the information that allows you to differentiate. However, the reflectance values cannot be used from the enhanced image, so the original image will be able to provide more meaning.

The DESTRIPE image enhancer like most image enhancers alters the reflectance values of the pixels. The operation calculates the means and standard deviation for the entire image and then for each individual detector. Afterwards, the output from each detector is scaled to match that of the entire image.