2:1 Part 2 (Reflection on Homes)

It was really interesting to read what a home meant to other students, and what kind of relationship they have with the term. While some students have a more concrete and stable relationship with the word, others student, like myself, struggle with having a more tangible answer when the question is asked.

Judging from most student’s write-ups, (including Lian’s, and Bonny’s) home is defined by the memories, rituals, connections, relationships, bedtime stories, and photographs that a person creates within this place.

Perhaps it is because I have moved several times, or simply that I am terrible at remembering things, it was particularly fascinating to read some of my classmates’ posts, where they described their (family) homes with such specific and vivid details. Their memory of where the cracks were, and what wallpaper their family homes had, highlights how much the physicality of a home is attached to one’s relationship with it. For me, and for other students such as Hannia, our sense of homes seems to be attached more to the events that took place while our lives were situated at these different homes, and the feelings we experienced at these different points. At the risk of sounding cliche, home is indeed where the heart is.

Although I have found comfort is not having a solidified sense of home, I am immensely jealous of my fellow classmates, who have a canine member attached to their memory and sense of home.

-Kayi Wong

Works Cited

Bung, Bonny. “Lesson 2.1-And I’m Home.” Musings and Reflections. UBC Blogs. June 11 2014. Web. June 15 2014.

Curi, Hannia. “2:1 Home.” Goodbye, England. UBC Blogs. June 13 2014. Web. June 15 2014.

Lister, Lian.. “2.1: My Story. Your Story.” Finding True North. UBC Blogs. June 10 2014. Web. June 15 2014.


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