Part 2: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Jon was right, the ending of the book was such a shattering surprise. Now looking back at the entirety of the novel, magical realism is done here like no other, and I certainly cannot imagine any book written of a similar nature that can even live up to, much less overtake the writing of Garcia Marquez. In my opinion, this book is undisputed as a must read and deserves an immortal place in the literature canon. Another thing I have noticed now is how intentional his method and style of writing is. Having read his other works allowed me to realize that the narration and writing style of Garcia Marquez isn’t exactly fixed, and much of the magic encapsulated in “One Hundred Years of Solitude” is actually restricted, and thus intention to this novel solely. This is to say that its design choices were much more conscious than I would imagine. I think this book has a very solid place in being one of the best books I have read so far not just in this course but in life general, although I would hesitate to describe it as one of my personal favourites, just based on the contents and extravagancy of the book but would rather call it a must read. To some degree, reading the words on the page is almost like reading the title to news articles- you anticipate it and no doubt value its significance but you wouldn’t really say that you love reading the news.

To pick up on last post regarding characters, I have stated that the one that stood out to me the most is Ursula. I think her significance to me is almost the concentrated essence of female characters and the overarching role of women in the show. In some sense the role of women may be established in this book due to the repetitions in circumstance that characters find themselves in, thus maybe the role says less about the idea of women, as much as it is another symptom of repetition. But regardless, a new character has taken place over Ursula as the one that stood out to me most- Remedios the beauty. Because what even was that. I guess the fate of those named Remedios is broadly described as being “taken away” whether from mysterious illness, a mental hospital or the heavens themselves. But either way, I think her existence is an outlier.

As a hilarious side note, I have been describing the plot  spottily to my boyfriend, and he is vaguely aware of the general themes of this book. So to clarify the characters to him, I decidedly showed him the family tree, to which he responded with “I expected the family tree to be drawn in a circle”. I think that is a worthwhile note that the editors and translators of the book can take into account.

To finish, a question to you all: What do you all think about Remedios the beauty and everything that happened to her?

The True Labyrinth to Be Lost In: The Words on Borges’ Paper

The anxiety I have felt reading this books is a unique experience I have yet to have elsewhere. Truth to be told, I have no idea what’s going on in most of the stories, and that isn’t resulting from a lack of trying, I quite literally just cannot tell what is going on most of the times from the author’s leap of information from one line of thinking that merges into another one.

That aside, there are some notable stories in the section “Fictions” that I particularly enjoyed. I liked The Circular Ruins, Theme of the Traitor and the Hero, and I quite liked The Garden of Forking Paths .Everything else is somewhat of a mystery to me. I think there is something notable about the way he writes, that makes it read like a very intelligent but somehow tortured man’s ramblings as he’s going through some sort of withdrawal. Certain things are described with such detail and added information that is seems overloading, yet the significance of the details don’t seem as apparent to the happenings of the story, despite it being told as if each word is the vessel of some sort of uncovered treasure. Perhaps this is something that will resolve itself if I re-read the book and discover new things which I guess alludes to the idea of play. But I think the conclusion is that I probably won’t be able to wrap my head around his way of writing.

One story that particularly stood out to me is the Three Versions of Judas. I’ve never considered this idea that the book proposed. However, I do think there is something to be said about how Jesus would not be Jesus without Judas, and that both met similar ends, and there is something to be said about how both were sacrifices for this greater story to happen. I think it falls in like with something like “there is no knowing the light without first knowing dark”.

Another section (this time under “Parables”) that was particularly intriguing was Borges and I. This might be a very 21st century internet kid of me to say, but his thoughts somewhat remind me of how we think about how to curate “our existence” on social media. I think the parallels are they both experience this sort of weird boundary in our identities, where one seems more like a persona and the other is the one that “experiences things” but these things ultimately are taken by this persona and shaped into something else that is a part of it. Like maybe you like tennis, but the desire for this to pass into your “persona” and post it online as if that solidifies this “identity” shapes you to be “a person that plays tennis” and no longer someone that is just experiencing this game. Or maybe this thought of mine also reads like a withdrawing man’s ramblings.

My question to all is: What story made the biggest impression on you and why?

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