Breakfast of Champions Movie Link

Check this out if you have some time this weekend. The movie was not received well critically, maybe you could try and answer that question? Again, maybe it is the director straying away from the actual story? Or maybe it is something else. Like someone said before, sometimes novels just are not meant to be made into movies. As we have seen from Slaughterhouse-five movie and now this one, maybe Vonnegut’s writing just does not translate that well to film. Maybe someone could comment on that?

1 thought on “Breakfast of Champions Movie Link

  1. beckyellan

    I think that we all saw from Harrison Bergeron, that Vonnegut’s word can translate quite nicely into film. I think that both Breakfast of Champions and Slaughterhouse-five could have been done better. I think the problem with those two movies was the choice to remove the prominent narration from both books. Harrison Bergeron kept that narration and used it to set up the story and get us to a place where we were able to understand the scene we were watching.

    BoC and Sh-5 both left us, people who had read the books, asking WTF? So imagine people who had no idea about either story before hand. My brother and his friends actually watched BoC without having read the books and he told me that they stopped watching it because they didn’t get what was going on, and it was too ridiculous.

    I liked watching the movies in comparison to reading the books. I think that Vonnegut’s word is translatable to the big screen, but I think it would take a different sort of film, something much more adventurous.

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