New Case Report on Overground vs Treadmill Based Robotic Gait Training

Our paper “Overground vs treadmill-based robotic gait training to improve seated balance in people with motor-complete spinal cord injury: a case report” is now available in Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. The article is open access and can found here.

Congratulations to authors Dr Amanda Chisholm, Raed Almaro, Alison Williams and Dr Tania Lam on this exciting publication.

Congratulations Alison!

Congratulations to our Lab Coordinator and MSc student Alison Williams for her successful application in the 2017 Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s competition. Alison has been chosen as one of the few students at UBC to be funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).

The objective of the CGS M Program is to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies.

Successfully Defended!

On March 31st and April 3rd, master’s students Megan Brousseau and Raed Almaro successfully completed their respective MSc defences. Congratulations to both Lam Lab members!

Celebrating after Raed’s Defence

After they have wrapped up their master’s work, Megan will be moving on to teach in the Kinesiology Program at Langara College while Raed will be moving back to Saudi Arabia to continue his clinical work as a physical therapist.