
LAST201 “Popular Culture in Latin America”

Spring 2009
TuTh, 2pm-3:30pm, Swing 105


The culture of everyday life, both rural and urban: issues of identity, popular memory, resistance, negotiation, as expressed through ritual, crafts, the body, social movements, films, music, and literature.

Set texts:  You will have to buy a course reader that contains the set texts.

Blog: You will write a c. 400 word response to each week’s reading on a blog (either one you already maintain, or one you set up specifically for the class); your entries are to be tagged “last201.”  Blog entries must be ready by Tuesday morning.  You will also comment on at least two other students’ blogs by Thursday morning.

Assessment: One mid-term examination (25%), one 3-4 page review paper (20%), and one 4-6 page final paper due at the end of the semester (35%).  Blog entries and comments, plus attendance and participation, will constitute the final 20% of your grade.

Note that if you miss more than three classes over the semester without written justification (such as a doctor’s note), your grade will be affected.  And if you come to class unprepared, i.e. without having done the reading or written your blog, you may be marked down as absent.

Course convenor: Jon Beasley-Murray (jon.beasley-murray@ubc.ca).  His office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12pm to 1:30pm, in Buchanan Tower 808.  Be in touch if you have queries or problems.  Deal with problems when they arise; don’t just hope they’ll go away!

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